Reclass Guidelines

There are certain guidelines to consider when using the Reclass process.

These guidelines are as follows:

  • You can reclassify by total project, control account, work package, resource, or any other codes or fields associated to the project. You can also specify a period or date range for the reclass.
  • If the new class uses a different set of dates, Cobra updates the dates for the target class to match the source class data. For example, if you copy the budget to a forecast, Cobra updates the forecast date set for the target forecast class during the process. If you copy a work package-level budget to a control account-level forecast, Cobra updates the forecast dates to span the work package dates. This process also enables you to copy weekly budget data to monthly forecast data.
  • If the target and source classes do not have the same rate set, you must run the Recalc Wizard after running the Reclass Wizard. The Reclass Wizard performs recalculations based on new rates.
  • The following table describes the combination of source and target class types that you can use in the Reclass Wizard.
    Source Target = Actual Target = Budget Target = Progress Target = Forecast Target = Frozen Forecast
    Actual Yes No Yes Yes Yes
    Budget Yes Yes Yes Yes No
    Progress Yes Yes Yes No No
    Forecast Yes Yes No Yes Yes
    Frozen Forecast No No No No Yes
  • When reclassifying from a source class using pending dates to a target class using baseline dates, Cobra follows these rules:
    • If the Reclass all periods in the project and the Copy pending dates to baseline dates options on the Date Range page are selected:
      • Budget start date will expand if the pending date is earlier than the budget date.
      • Budget finish date will expand if the pending date is later than the budget date.
      • Budget start date will contract if the pending date is later than the budget date.
      • Budget finish date will contract if the pending date is earlier than the budget date.
    • If the Reclass all periods in the project option is selected but the Copy pending dates to baseline dates option is cleared on the Date Range page:
      • Budget start date will not expand if the pending date is earlier than the budget date.
      • Budget finish date will not expand if the pending date is later than the budget date.
      • Budget start date will not contract if the pending date is later than the budget date.
      • Budget finish date will not contract if the pending date is earlier than the budget date.
  • If the Copy pending dates to baseline dates option is selected and the pending dates are outside the baseline dates, Cobra displays the following message in the process log: "The Copy pending dates to baseline dates option was selected and this may result in the budget spread periods appearing outside the new baseline dates."
  • If the Copy pending dates to baseline dates option is not selected and the pending dates are outside the baseline dates, Cobra displays the following message in the process log: "The pending dates were not copied to the baseline dates, and this may result in the pending spread periods appearing outside the existing baseline dates."